
Multi-hacks are a kind of portal mod.

A multi-hack lets you hack a portal more than four times, before the portal burns out.

Normally you can hack a portal up to four times in a four-hour period. After that, the portal is “burned out”. You can’t hack the portal any more, until the four-hour burnout period passes.

  • No multi-hack: Four hacks before burnout.
  • Common multi-hack (CMH): Extra four hacks before burnout.
  • Rare multi-hack (RMH): Extra eight hacks before burnout.
  • Very rare multi-hack (VRMH): Extra twelve hacks before burnout.

Multiple multi-hacks: The best multi-hack gives its full bonus. The second, third, and fourth multi-hack(s) give half of their bonus.

Durability: Multi-hacks are fragile. They are easily destroyed by enemy weapons fire.

Up to Portal Mods.