About Us

Town square from the Penwatch Tekkit server - 2012

Your host

Camelot is operated by Lewis Yip, an electrical engineer from Perth, West Australia.

My previous Minecraft exploits include a number of fun crossovers between Minecraft and “real” engineering.

Our community

We have been running modded Minecraft servers for almost a decade, starting with the Tekkit modpack back in 2012.

Many people in our community are full time working professionals, many with STEM backgrounds.

We are also 100% nerds by volume (and proud of it!)

Our favourite games (apart from Minecraft) include things like Factorio, Eco, and Satisfactory.

Mission Statement

The goals of our Minecraft servers are:

  • To be a friendly, co-operative, and inclusive community of people, who behave excellently to each other.

  • To enjoy Minecraft by building complex machinery and creative architecture.

  • To introduce the joy of Minecraft (and modded Minecraft) to new people.

If we sound like your cup of tea, you can apply to join us!